2007-08 holiday gift guide: for pets & pet lovers.

Happy Monday, DFM! I’m up super early for my tastes, but hey— the excitement of another week of fabulous gift guides has consumed me with the same zeal that I consumed that 21 lb. turkey with over the weekend…

Today’s installment (#6!) is all about the animals in our lives: for pets and pet lovers. Enjoy all 27 picks for your little buddies, right here at DFM. I’ll try to have them all uploaded by 8AM (PST), so check back within the hour for the long list of goodies!

Click here in case you missed Friday’s guide: for the college bound guy.
Or click here if you’d like to see the first five installments from last week (over 100 great gifts in reverse order).

Love to you on this Monday morning, and happy shopping! Stay tuned tomorrow for Installment #7: for your indie cousin.